WE DID IT!!! WE RAISED OVER $20,000!!!
Help us meet our goal of $20,000!
Register by pressing the button above and completing the parent login page to begin your fundraising.
What is the Fun Run?
The Fun Run is Allen's primary fundraiser where monies raised are used to enrich students learning by funding field trips, assemblies, teacher grants, playground equipment, classroom enrichment and more. If each student pledges $50, we will reach our $20,000 goal and be able to confidently continue supporting all Allen students.
Kick off Assembly September 26th!
Fun Run Date October 24th!
Last day to donate November 2!
We have loads of fun Whole School and Classroom incentives this year!
Whole School Incentives:
$500 Spirit Wear Day: Red, Black & White colors or Allen spirit wear
$1,000 Pajama Day: Roll out of bed & be comfy all day in school-appropriate PJs
$5,000 Crazy Hair Day: Colors, Straight up, Bed head, Crazy style
$7,500 Rainbow Day: Try to wear as many colors as possible
$10,000 Hat Day: Students can wear a hat of their choice to school
$12,500 Music Lunch: Music will be played during the lunch hour and kids can dance when done eating
$15,000 Extra Eagle Extravaganza!
$17,500 Duct Tape Ms. Beal to the wall!
$20,000 Teacher Sumo Wrestling Match between Ms. Hamilton & Mr.T!
Classroom Incentives:
Eat Lunch Outside: Every class that raises $750.00 gets to eat their lunch outside for a day
Hedgehog Day: The 1st class to fill their loose change jug gets to enjoy a pet hedgehog in your classroom! Any classroom that fills their coin jug will have the option of a visit from some turtles who walk around the classroom or a quick visit from the hedgehog.
Pizza Party: If your class reaches their classroom goal (based on # of students per class) you can earn a pizza party!
Ice Cream Bar With Mrs. Beal: The class that earns the highest amount of funds gets to eat a special ice cream sundae bar with Mrs. Beal!
Individual Incentive:
Raise $10 you receive one piece of duct tape to tape a teacher to the wall
Raise $50 you receive one raffle ticket for a drawing of fun prizes
***** Allen gets to keep 100% of any cash or check donations and those donations will be added to your child's fundraising page. Checks written out to Allen Parent Council.******